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Scaling Regenerative Cultures

with Erik Lawyer, Maciek Antkowiak, Clinton Callahan and Anne-Chloé Destremau

December 9, 2022


Watch the video recording on YouTube here: 

On a rare occasion one might gain the opportunity to be present when two geniuses meet and commune for their first time. This is when worlds collide, sparks fly, new stellar objects are born which can change the future.

Anne-Chloé Destremau and Clinton Callahan arranged such a celebratory opportunity on 8 December 2022, capturing it to share with you on this Zoom call. The space was safe enough that it rolled into a full-out astonishing conversation.

Erik Lawyer - ex-firefighter from the 9/11 collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, organizing Family Guilds in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

Maciek Antkowiak - Possibility Management Expand The Box Trainer, splits his time between Osada Gaiavillage and Wroclaw, Poland.

Both men are 'hospicing modernity' while scaling up regenerative human cultures on Earth.