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Memetic Speaking (worktalk)

with Anne-Chloé Destremau


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Genes determine the design of your physical body. Memes determine the design your intellectual interface with the world, your 'Box'. Your Box decides what possibilities are accessible to you, and what results you can create. The fantastic news is that: genes can only be altered at the death of a generation, but memes can evolve within one generation!

Possibility Management can be transformational because a meme-upgrade can happens in less than 3 seconds. The key factor is if your internal structure is ready for a new relationship to the world.

Memetic Speaking is the ability to navigate spaces with such clarity that other people’s memetic inner structures evolves reflexively into new ways of Thinking, Feeling, and Being.

Memetic Speaking is a tool for building evolutionary bridges that are safe, stable, and empowering. These are skills for serving individuals, couples, and organizational gameworlds.

In this WorkTalk, we will distinguish Memetic Speaking from other forms of spaceholding, build new sensitivity to detect memes in yourself and others, and practice the skills of building new worlds out of new memes!

This Worktalk is specifically aimed at Spaceholders who wish to navigate personal and cultural transformations to a regenerative culture through thoughtware upgrades. You will enjoy this space if you want to learn more about the useful power of memes.

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